
Clazwork Review

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If you’ve already started looking for an essay writing service to help lighten your workloads, you’ll already be well aware of the fact that there is a tonne to choose from. However, like all industries of business, some are high-quality writing services whereas others are scams and simply out to get your money. Today, we’ll explore to find out which one it is.

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Clazwork – Rating 5.6

Table of contents

  1. Services – 6/10
  2. Pricing – 5/10
  3. Content Quality – 5/10
  4. Customer Support – 6/10
  5. Conclusion

Services – 6/10 services

On Clazwork, you’ll be able to choose from over 50 unique and different services. There’s essays, dissertations, book reports, thesis and much more. However, there are only four academic levels to choose from, and the deadline dates are rather peculiar.

I was impressed with the fact that you could choose your writers country of origin to whichever you prefer. This is a feature that not a lot of essay writing services have.

Pricing – 5/10 prices

However, the pricing of the content leaves a lot to be desired. As a rough guideline, using the pricing calculator, a standard Master’s essay, written to a ‘guaranteed’ distinction that’s ten pages long will set you back around $299.

That’s an awful lot of money; a sum that not many students will have available to spend. It’s worth noting that this is without the essential add-ons such as professional proofreading and a plagiarism report.

Content Quality – 5/10

Unfortunately, the quality of the content ordered is not all that it’s cracked up to be. As you would expect, the testimonials page boasts five-star reviews, but I found that this wasn’t the case. Searching online, I soon discovered that the service had mixed reviews.

While some customers stated that their assignment was ‘okay’ and ‘average’, others had a very different experience. There are many complaints on the quality of the content including poor spelling, poor sentence structure and a lack of punctuation. Many students also believe that their essay was not written by a native English speaker as promised.

Customer Support – 6/10 customer service

There are a handful of methods you can use to contact the service. On the contact us page, you’ll find an email form as well as a map and address. There’s also a live chat feature on each page. At the bottom of the contact page, there are also links to some very inactive social media profiles.

This is fine, but the website lacks a phone number or dedicated email address to sort the paid customers from the inquiring customers, meaning that it can take a while to hear back. There’s also a callback feature, but this is only for if you’re making an order. reviewConclusion Gloria Kopp

All in all, I was rather disappointed with the service that has to offer. With sky-high prices, inconsistent quality and a lack of comprehensive support options, I simply cannot recommend Clazwork as a go-to essay writing service.

Rating: 2.8

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