
about studydemic

Hi everyone, my name is Gloria Kopp, and thank you for visiting my website.

I’m currently a freelance editor and writer, contributing to websites and online magazines all over the web. I’m also an e-learning consultant, providing advice and assistance to the education sector on a freelance basis.

Currently I live in Manville City after graduating from the University of Wyoming, and am happily pursuing my joint passions of teaching and writing. I feel that as educators, we are a powerful influence in a student’s life, whether that student has only set foot into a classroom for the first time today, or they’re getting ready to graduate after studying hard in college for their degree. Every day we are learning, and as educators we need to steer students in the right direction, all while letting them make their own choices and explore the world at their own pace.

My hope for this website is to share the most useful tips and stories I’ve accumulated over the years with you, so you can go out and use them in your working life. Also, I’m hoping that I’ll learn more from you, the reader, as well. After all, all good teachers know that we learn as much from our students as they learn from us.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you find something that’s useful to you here. If you have any ideas or comments, please do let me know through contact form as I always want to hear what you think.